Master Translator • 7

Much, many, a lot of, very
• elementary / intermediate •


  1. Bob ha messo molti libri in queste scatole e adesso sono molto pesanti.
  2. La polizia ha fatto molte domande ma non gli ho potuto dire molto.
  3. Guadagnano molto i politici nel tuo paese?
  4. C’era molta gente al ristorante ieri ma il cibo non era molto buono.
  5. Non c’è molta vita rimasta in questa batteria. È molto vecchia.
  6. I biglietti non costano molto ed è uno spettacolo molto divertente.
  7. Fa molto caldo qui e ci sono molti turisti. Non mi piace molto.
  8. Molti studenti vanno alle lezioni di Jack? Si, sono molto popolari.
  9. Tom ha bisogno di molto aiuto. Non capisce molto.
  10. Bob beve ancora molto? Era molto ubriaco l’ultima volta che l’ho visto.

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Your comments are always very welcome.

Author: Tony

Born and raised in Malaysia between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Educated at Wycliffe College in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, England. Living in the foothills of Mount Etna since 1982 and teaching English at Catania University since 1987.

53 thoughts on “Master Translator • 7”

  1. Hi Tony
    1) Bob packed up a lot of books in these boxes and now they are very weighty.
    2) The police asked a lot but I can’t say it much.
    3) How much the politicians earn in your country?
    4) There were a lot of people at the restaurant yesterday but the food wasn’t very good.
    5) There isn’t left much time in this battery. It’s very old.
    6) The ticket’s don’t cost much and it’s a very funny show.
    7) It’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourists. I dont’ like it very much.
    8) Do many students go to the Jack’s classes? Yes, they are very popular.
    9) Tom needs much help. He doesn’t understand much.
    10) Is Bob drinking much yet? He was very drunk when I last saw him.


    1. Hi Gaetano. Pretty good on the whole. A few things to think about…

      1. weighty ✅ heavy ✅✅ (più comune)
      2. …a lot of questions but I couldn’t tell them much.
      3. Do (the) politicians in your country earn much? (la domanda non è “quanto”)
      (in ogni caso, nella tua versione manca “do” dopo “how much”)
      4. ✅
      5. …much life left…
      6. ✅
      7. ✅
      8. …to Jack’s classes?
      9. …a lot of help.
      10. Does Tom still drink a lot?


  2. Bob ha messo molti libri in queste scatole e adesso sono molto pesanti.
    Bob put lots of books into these boxes and now they are very heavy.

    La polizia ha fatto molte domande ma non gli ho potuto dire molto.
    The police asked a lot of questions but I couldn’t tell them so much.

    Guadagnano molto i politici nel tuo paese?
    Do politicians earn so much in your country?

    C’era molta gente al ristorante ieri ma il cibo non era molto buono.
    Yesterday there were a lot of people at the restaurant but the food wasn’t so much good.

    Non c’è molta vita rimasta in questa batteria. È molto vecchia.
    There is no/isn’t so much power left in this battery. It is very old.

    I biglietti non costano molto ed è uno spettacolo molto divertente.
    Tickets don’t cost so much and it’s a very entertaining show.

    Fa molto caldo qui e ci sono molti turisti. Non mi piace molto.
    It is very hot here and there are lots of tourists. I don’t like so much.

    Molti studenti vanno alle lezioni di Jack? Si, sono molto popolari.
    Do many students go to Jack’s classes? Yes, they are very popular.

    Tom ha bisogno di molto aiuto. Non capisce molto.
    Tom needs a lot of help.He doesn’t understand so much.

    Bob beve ancora molto? Era molto ubriaco l’ultima volta che l’ho visto.
    Does Bob still drink much / a lot? Last time I saw him, he was very drunk.


    1. Troppo abuso di “so”, Dani!

      1) …has put…
      2) …couldn’t tell them much.
      3) …earn much…
      4) …wasn’t very good.
      5) …isn’t much…
      6) …cost much…
      7) …I don’t like it very much.
      8) OK.
      9) …understand very much.
      10) OK.


        1. I don’t understand why you use “so ” all the time. I know there’s is a greater tendency to use “so” in modern (American) English but very often it isn’t necessary at all. This applies to 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 – the same “mistake” every time.


          1. Neither I do. I thought it sounded more natural. You marked it as a mistake, so it’s not tolerated at all. Funnily, I remember that once in a daily translation I missed that “so” . 🙂


            1. AS I said, the use of “so” is creeping into the spoken language so I wouldn’t classify it as a mistake in many places, but it often sounds a bit out of place. Think in these terms:
              MOLTO = much, many, a lot of
              TANTO = so much, so many
              TROPPO = too much, too many


  3. Bob ha messo molti libri in queste scatole e adesso sono molto pesanti.
    Bob put many books in these boxies and now they are very heavy.
    2.La polizia ha fatto molte domande ma non gli ho potuto dire molto.
    Police asked many questions, but I couldn’t say a lot
    3.Guadagnano molto i politici nel tuo paese?
    Do the politicians gain a lot in your country?
    4.C’era molta gente al ristorante ieri ma il cibo non era molto buono.
    There were many people at the restaurant Yesterday but food isn’t very good.
    5.Non c’è molta vita rimasta in questa batteria. È molto vecchia.
    There is not much life left in this battery. It is very old.
    6.I biglietti non costano molto ed è uno spettacolo molto divertente.
    Tickets do not coust a lot, and it is a show very fun
    7.Fa molto caldo qui e ci sono molti turisti. Non mi piace molto.
    it’s very hot here and there are many tourists. I don’t lik very much.
    8.Molti studenti vanno alle lezioni di Jack? Si, sono molto popolari.
    Do many students go to Jack’s lesson? Yes, they are very popular.
    9.Tom ha bisogno di molto aiuto. Non capisce molto.
    Tom need a lot of help. He doesn’t understand much.
    10.Bob beve ancora molto? Era molto ubriaco l’ultima volta che l’ho visto.
    Do Bob drink still a lot? He was drunk last time that I sow you.


    1. Hi Margherita. THat’s a pretty good effort. Well done. If you look through the comments, you will find my versions and can check your answers. If you still have any questions, write to me again. 🙂


  4. 1. Bob has put a lot of books in these boxes and now they are really
    2. The police asked a lot of questions but I couldn’t tell them much
    3. Do the politicians earn much in your country?
    4. Yesterday there was a lot of peolple at the restaurant but that food
    wasn’t very good
    5. There isn’t much charge left in this battery. It’s very old
    6. The tickets don’t cost much (aren’t very expensive) and it’s a very
    funny show
    7. It’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourist. I don’t like very much
    8. Do many students go to jack’s lessons? Yes, they are very popular
    9. Tom needs a lot of help. He doesn’t understand very much
    10. Does Bob still drink much? He was very drunk last time I met him


    1. Hi Sandro. Thanks for joining in the fun! If you look down the comments, you will find my correct versions which you can use to check yours. When you have finished checking, if you have any questions, feel free to ask…


  5. 1. Bob put a lot of books into these boxes and now they are much heavy.
    2. The police answered a lot of questions but I couldn’t say much.
    3. Do the politicians in your country learn much?
    4. There were a lot of people yesterday at the restaurant but the food isn’t very good.
    5. There isn’t much life in this battery. It’s very old.
    6. The tickets don’t cost much and the show is very funny.
    7.It’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourists. I don’t like much.
    8. Do many students go to Jack’s lessons? Yes, they are much popular.
    9. Tom needs a lot of help. He doesn’t understand much.
    10. Has he still drunk much? He was really drunk the last time I saw him.


    1. Hi Patrizia. Thanks for joining in the fun! If you look down the comments, you will find my correct versions which you can use to check yours. When you have finished checking, if you have any questions, feel free to ask…


  6. 1 Bob has put a lot of books in these boxes,and now they are very heavy
    2 Police asked a lot of questions, but I couldn t say much
    3 Do politicians in your country earn much ?
    4 Yesterday at the restaurant there were a lot of people,but the food was not very good
    5 there is no much life in this battery it is very old
    6 the tickets are not very expensive and the show is really funny
    7 here it is very hot and there are a lot of tourists , I don t like it much
    8 do many students go to jack s lessons ?yes they are very popular
    9 Tom needs a lot of help, he does nt understand much
    10 Does Bob still drink much ? He was very drunk the last time I saw him .

    Hi ,
    It s the first time that I participate
    Thank you


    1. Hi Elisabetta. Thanks for joining in the fun! If you look down the comments, you will find my correct versions which you can use to check yours. When you have finished checking, if you have any questions, feel free to ask…


  7. 1) Bob has put a lot of books in these boxes , and now thery are very heavy.
    2) The police made a lot of questions , but I couldn’t tell much.
    3) How much did the politicians earn in your country ? ( mi suona meglio : In your country , how much did the …. )
    4) There were many people at restaurant yesterday, but the food wasn’t very good.
    5) There isn’t much life in this battery ( ma si dice Life anche per batteria macchina ? Forse dovrei dire che la batteria non è molto carica?= The battery isn’t much charge …) It’s very , very old.
    6) The tickets aren’t very expensive and the show is very funny.
    7) It’s very cold here and there are a lot of tourists.
    8) How many students do they attend jack’s lesson ? Yes, they are very popular.
    9) Tom needs very much helps. He doen’t understand much.
    10) Does Bob drink still much ? He was very drunk the last time I saw him.


    1. 1) Okay
      2) to ask a question / “tell” vuole a chi
      3) Non chiede “quanto” ed è presente / “in your country” meglio alla fine
      4) much e many non nell’affermativa – “a lot of”
      5) Okay (“life” va benissimo)
      6) Okay
      7) “hot” (non “cold”) / manca l’ultima parte
      8) Non chiede “quanti” – la domanda va riformulata
      9) come 4
      10) “still” prima di drink

      Niente male. Cerca di fissare gli errori per la prossima volta! 🙂


      1. Grazie.
        Si, mi riscrivo le frasi con le correzioni.
        Mi spiace per la frase incompleta , non ho proprio letto il periodo.( I don’t like very much )
        Ma bisogna proprio usare ” a lot of ” ? I don’t like it ! 😉
        Good night.


        1. Attenzione: “I don’t like it very much.”
          “A lot of” è la forma che si usa nell’affermativa. “Much” e “many” hanno un suono troppo archaico tranne quando fanno parte del soggetto della frase. Meglio evitare.
          Good night. 🙂


          1. Si , ho letto.
            Ma , nella mia ignoranza, mi viene spontaneo usare MANY e MUCH. 🙂


  8. 1. Bob has put a lot of books in these boxes and now they are very heavy
    2. The police have made a lot of questions but I haven’t been able to say them a lot
    3. Do politicians of your country earn much?
    4. There was a lot of people at the restaurant yesterday but the food wasn’t very good
    5. There isn’t much life in this battery. It is really old
    6. The tickets don’t cost much and it’s a very very funny show
    7. It’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourists. I don’t like it very much.
    8. Do many students go to Jack’s lessons? Yes, they are very popular
    9. Tom needs a lot of help. He doesn’t understand a lot
    10. Does Bob still drink much? He was really drunk the last time I’ve seen him


    1. Hi Shana, my versions are now available here in the comments. Why don’t you compare them with what you have written and then ask me if there is anything that you would like me to explain? That will save me from having to point out in writing each individual mistake. Remember that “a lot” is always possible but generally in questions and negative sentences we prefer to use “much” and “many”.



    1. Bob has put a lot of books in these boxes and now they’re really heavy.
    2. The police asked a lot of questions but I couldn’t tell them much.
    3. Do (the) politicians in your country earn much?
    4. There were a lot of people at the restaurant but the food wasn’t very good.
    5. There’s not much life left in this battery. It’s very old.
    6. The tickets aren’t very expensive and it’s a really funny show.
    7. It’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourists.I don’t like it much.
    8. Do many students go to Jack’s lessons? Yes, they are very popular.
    9. Tom needs a lot of help. He doesn’t understand much.
    10. Does Tom still drink much? He was very drunk the last time I saw him.


  10. 1) Bob has put a lot of books in these boxes and now they are really heavy.

    2) Police asked me a lot of questions, but I couldn’t tell them much.

    3) Do policians earn much money in your Country?

    4)There were a lot of people at the restaurant, but the food wasn’t very good.

    5) There isn’t much life in this battery, It’s very old.

    6) The tickets don’t cost many and it’s a really fun show.

    7) It’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourists. I don’t like it very much.

    8) Do many students go to Jack’s lessons? Yes, they are very popular.

    9) Tom needs a lot of help. He doesn’t understand much.

    10) Does Bob still much drinks? He was very drunk last time I saw him.


  11. 1) Bob has put a lot of books in these boxes and now they are really heavy.

    2) Police asked me a lot of questions, but I couldn’t tell them much.

    3) Do policians earn much money in your Country?

    4)There were a lot of people at the restaurant, but the food wasn’t very food.

    5) There isn’t much life in this battery, it’s very old. (ma si può tradurre letteralmente?)

    6) The tickets don’t cost many and it’s a really funny show.

    7) It’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourists. I don’t like it very much.

    8) Do many students go to Jack’s lessons? Yes, they are very popular.

    9) Tom needs a lot of help. He doesn’t understand much.

    10) Does Bob drink still much? He was very drunk last time I saw him.


    1. Hi Giovanna. Very good effort! Well done. Just a few notes:

      2) The police…
      3) country
      4) wan’t very good (svista)
      5) much life left in this battery (si, si può!)
      6) don’t cost much… (unico errore ‘serio’)
      10) still drink


      1. Grazie per le correzioni.
        Nella quarta è stata una svista perché scrivo da uno smartphone 🙂
        L’ultimo errore grave è anche una disattenzione… sorry!
        Pensavo che country si scrivesse in maiuscolo perché indicava una nazione.


        1. Visto com’era andato il resto dell’esercizio ho immaginato che l’errore ‘serio’ fosse stato anche una ‘svista’. La parola “country” indica, si, una nazione ma sempre in modo generico: quindi niente lettera maiuscola. Brava.


          1. ancora c’è tanto da migliorare…
            grazie mille per l’aiuto e per tutte queste cose davvero utili e interessanti. 🙂


  12. HIiiiiii

    1.Bob has put a lot of books in these boxes and now they are really heavy
    2.the police asked a lot of questions but I couldn’t tell them much
    3.Do politicians in your country earn much?
    4.There were a lot of people at the restaurant but the food wasn’t very good
    5.This battery is almost dead (flat) or has almost run down.It’s really old.
    6.The tickets aren’t very expensive and it’s a really funny show’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourists.I don’t like it much
    8.Do many students go to Jack’s lessons? Yes,they are really popular
    9.Tom needs a lot of help.He doesn’t understand much tom still drinking much?the last time I saw him ,he was completely drunk( or dead drunk)


  13. 1 Bob put a lot of books in these boxes and now they are much heavy.
    2 The police asked a lot of answers but I didn’t say much.
    3 Do the politics earn much in your country?
    4 There was a lot of people at the restaurant yesterday but the food wasn’t much good.
    5 There isn’t much life in this battery.It’s very old.
    6 The tickets don’t cost much and the show is very funny.
    7 It’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourists.I don’t like it much.
    8 Do many students go to Jack’s lessons? Yes, they are very popular.
    9 Tom need a lot of help. He doesn’t understand much.
    10 Does Bob drink again much? He was much drunk the last time I see him.


    1. 1) Past simple or present perfect? “Pesante” è un aggettivo…
      2) Come si dice “domande”? “Non gli ho potuto dire molto” è un po’ diverso…
      3) “Politici” = politicians
      4) “People” = persone = plurale. “Good” è un aggettivo…
      5) “rimasta” = left
      9) 3a persona singolare?
      10) “ancora” nell’affermativo = still. “Ubriaco” è un aggettivo. “see” non può stare al presente.


  14. 1-bob put a lot of books into these boxes and now they are very heavy;
    2-the police did/has done a lot of questions but I couldn’t tell much;
    3-how much do the politicians earn in your coutry?;
    4-there were a lot of people at the restaurant yesterday but the food wasn’t really like;
    5-there is not much life in this battery. it’s really old;
    6-the tickets don’t cost a lot and it is a show very funny;
    7-it’s very hot here and there are a lot of tourist. i don’t like a lot;
    8-how many students does go at jack’s lesson? yes , they are really very famous;
    9-tom needs a lot of help. he doesn’t understand very much;
    10-does bob still drink a lot? he was very drunk the last time that i’ve seen him.


    1. Pretty good regarding ‘molto’ but there are a few things that need adjusting:

      1) past simple or present perfect?
      2) a) fare una domanda b) a chi?
      3) non chiede “quanto”
      4) like?
      6) adjectives before nouns
      7) a) turisti b) what don’t you like?
      8) non chiede “quanti”
      10) past simple or present perfect?


      1. 1-present perfect simple because you said: use the present perfect when the time isn’t specified;
        2- a)asked a lot of questions, b) them;
        3-you’re right:non chiede quanto guadagnano,i wanted to do simple, do the politicians in your country earn much ?;
        4-the food wasn’t really good;
        5-ok, i hope so😉;
        6-the tickets aren’t very expensive..
        7-a)tourists,b)i don’t like it a lot;
        8-see n.3 do many;
        10-mix😉present continuos ,past simple ect


        1. 1) OK – also it’s tied to the present (now they are)
          2) OK
          3) OK
          4) OK
          6) the problem is at the end, not at the beginning
          7) OK (“much” would be better at the end)
          8) I’d like to see the whole question, please 🙂
          10) I’d like to see the whole sentence, please 🙂


          1. 8- do many students go to jack’s lesson? They are really popular;
            10- is bob still drinking much ? He was really drunk the last i saw him


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