Translation Exercise • 30

La traduzione, come metodo di esercizio nell’apprendimento di una lingua, farà sicuramente parte della vecchia scuola, però, inserita in un contesto più vario di apprendimento, soprattutto con feedback in tempo reale, può sempre essere un utile esercizio di allenamento.

Consiglio una partecipazione attiva e visibile postando la tua versione tra i commenti in fondo a questa pagina. In questo modo riceverai un mio commento o suggerimento in tempo più o meno reale. Ma per chi non se la sente, si può semplicemente annotare la propria versione e controllarla attraverso i miei commenti lasciati per gli altri.

Ecco la nuova frase:

Mettiamo l’albero di natale qui quest’anno, proprio davanti alla finestra, in modo che tutti lo possono vedere anche dalla strada.

Buon divertimento!

Puoi esercitarti quanto vuoiQUI

Your comments are always very welcome.

Author: Tony

Born and raised in Malaysia between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Educated at Wycliffe College in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, England. Living in the foothills of Mount Etna since 1982 and teaching English at Catania University since 1987.

31 thoughts on “Translation Exercise • 30”

  1. Let’s put the Christmas tree here this year; just in front of the window so everybody can see it even from the street


      1. This year, we put the Christmas tree here, just in front of the window, so that everybody can see it from the street too


        1. Hi Nadia, a good effort. Here are a couple of things to think about:
          1) we put ➝ let’s put
          2) just ➝ right


  2. Let’s put the Christmas Tree here, this hear; right in front of the window so that everyone could see it from the street too.
    I wish you a happy new year Prof


    1. Hi Manu!
      I’m sure “hear” is a typo, but why “could” and not simply “can”?
      The rest is all good.
      Happy holidays! 🙂


  3. Mettiamo l’albero di natale qui quest’anno, proprio davanti alla finestra, in modo che tutti lo possono vedere anche dalla strada.

    Let’s put the Christmas tree here this year, right in front of the window, so that everybody can see it from the street as well!


      1. Happy Christmas to you and your family too, Tony.
        I’m still following your precious advice, thank you for everything!!!


  4. Mettiamo l’albero di natale qui quest’anno, proprio davanti alla finestra, in modo che tutti lo possono vedere anche dalla strada.
    Good evening,,
    Let’s put the Christmas tree here this year, right in front of the window so that everyone will be able to see it from the street as well.


    1. Nice version, Roby, “will be able” works nicely here, and also “as well” at the end.
      Happy Christmas! 😘


  5. Hi prof

    This year, let’s put the Christmas tree here, just in front of the window, in order to everyone can see it even by the street.

    Thank you
    Merry Christmas🎅🎄


    1. A few things to correct here, Nadia:
      1) just ➝ right
      2) in order to ➝ so that
      3) by ➝ from

      Happy Christmas and keep trying! 😉


  6. Mettiamo l’albero di natale qui quest’anno, proprio davanti alla finestra, in modo che tutti lo possono vedere anche dalla strada
    This year We put here the Christmas tree, just in front of the window, so that everyone might see it even from the street


    1. A few things to correct here, Anita:
      1) we put ➝ let’s put (suggerimento esortativo nella 1a persona plurale)
      2) “here” dopo “tree”
      3) just ➝ right
      4) might ➝ can

      Happy Christmas and keep trying! 😉


      1. Lot of things to correct, Teacher!!! 😂
        Thank you for your help, as always.
        Merry Christmas and happy New year 🎄


  7. Let’s put the Christmas tree here this year, right in front of the window, so that everyone can see it even from the street.


  8. Mettiamo l’albero di natale qui quest’anno, proprio davanti alla finestra, in modo che tutti lo possono vedere anche dalla strada.
    This year let’s put the Christmas tree here, right in front of the window so that everybody can see it even from the street.


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