Translation Exercise • 40

La traduzione, come metodo di esercizio nell’apprendimento di una lingua, farà sicuramente parte della vecchia scuola, però, inserita in un contesto più vario di apprendimento, soprattutto con feedback in tempo reale, può sempre essere un utile esercizio di allenamento.

Consiglio una partecipazione attiva e visibile postando la tua versione tra i commenti in fondo a questa pagina. In questo modo riceverai un mio commento o suggerimento in tempo più o meno reale. Ma per chi non se la sente, si può semplicemente annotare la propria versione e controllarla attraverso i miei commenti lasciati per gli altri.

Ecco la nuova frase:

Avete ancora quella vecchia jeep nella quale giravamo quando eravamo qui in vacanza?

Buon divertimento!

Puoi esercitarti quanto vuoiQUI

Your comments are always very welcome.

Author: Tony

Born and raised in Malaysia between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Educated at Wycliffe College in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, England. Living in the foothills of Mount Etna since 1982 and teaching English at Catania University since 1987.

61 thoughts on “Translation Exercise • 40”

  1. Do you still have that old jeep with which we used to drive around when we were here on holiday


    1. Hi Luigi.
      We don’t tend to use the preposition “with” for means of transport which is why I wrote “nella quale”.
      It should be “in which” in English.
      However, if you want a more typical way of expressing this, then you should use the “dangling preposition” method by removing “which” and putting “in” after “around”. 🙂

      Dangling prepositions


  2. Good morning prof

    Have you still had that old jeep we used to drive around when we were here on holiday?
    Have a nice Sunday


    1. Hi Nadia. I need to pick up on a couple of things in your version.
      First of all the starting verb should be present and not present perfect.
      Secondly, think about that “NELLA quale”. You need a second preposition “in” after “around”.
      Try again…


  3. Avete ancora quella vecchia jeep nella quale giravamo quando eravamo qui in vacanza?
    Hi prof,
    Do you still have that old jeep we used to drive around with when we were here on holiday?


    1. Do you have that old jeep we went around in when we were here on holiday? Is it right now? I don’t know if i understood well…..thanks a lot

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Avete ancora quella vecchia jeep nella quale giravamo quando eravamo qui in vacanza?
    Have you still had that old jeep in which we were used to driving around when we were here on holiday


    1. A few important things here, Manu:
      1) your first verb should be present and not present perfect.
      2) you shouldn’t be using “to be used to + present participle” because that means “essere abituato a” which is what you need her. I think you are confusing it with “to be used to + infinitive” which is a special past tense form for things we did on a regular basis in the past, we could say “past habits” in a sense.
      3) you need to move the preposition “in” and place it after “around” (dangling preposition position). AT that point “which” is no longer necessary but you can still use it.


      1. I try again.
        Did you still have that old jeep we were used to drive around in when we were there on holiday?


        1. I try again.
          Do you still have that old jeep we were used to drive around in when we were there on holiday?


          1. Manu, you’re still confusing these two constructions:
            1) we were used to driving around in (nella quale eravamo abituati a girare)
            2) we used to drive around in (nella quale giravamo).
            If you remove “were” from your version, it’s almost perfect (“here” e non “there” alla fine 😉 ).


  5. Avete ancora quella vecchia jeep nella quale giravamo quando eravamo qui in vacanza?
    Do you still have the old jeep which we used to go around in when we were here on holiday?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi prof!
    I’m new in the group.
    Here mi translation:

    Do you still have that old Jeep we used to tour when we were here on holidays?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mariagrazia. A good effort for a first-timer!
      What your version is missing are the two ‘dangling prepositions’: ‘around’ (legato strettamente al verbo, che esso sia drive, tour, go, travel), e ‘in’ (legato all’idea che stai ‘dentro’ quel mezzo di trasporto). These two prepositions should come after the verb:
      “…we used to tour around in when we were…”


  7. Avete ancora quella vecchia jeep nella quale giravamo quando eravamo qui in vacanza?
    Do you still have that old jeep we used to ride in when we where here on vacation?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. 40
    Avete ancora quella vecchia jeep nella quale giravamo quando eravamo qui in vacanza?
    Have you still got that old Willy in which we used to drive around when we were on holiday?


    1. If you use the “reply” button under your original post, then all our conversation will stay in the same thread. 😉


      1. Si, ho inviato lo stesso messaggio per sbaglio più volte, oltretutto: mi sembrava non fosse partito perché non lo visualizzavo.
        Mi spiace per aver appesantito la chat!


  9. Do you still have that old jeep we travelled around with when we were here on holiday?


    1. Well done, Luca. You could just make two small improvements here:
      1) use “in” instead of “with”
      2) use “used to” for the central verb: it’s not essential but it works very well in this kind of context.


      1. It could be better this way so :

        Do you still have that old jeep we used to travelled around in when we were here on holiday?

        just a couple of questions Prof:

        could travel with be used anyway?
        I was not sure about travel around; is it used in informal conversation or do we have different way to translate “girare”?


        1. First of all, it should be “we used to travel around in” (not “travelled”). Typo?
          Secondly, for that “girare” you could use: go around, travel around, drive around.
          We don’t tend to use “with” for transport. You should use “in” for private transport (cars, taxis etc); “on” for public transport (buses, trains, planes etc); and “on” again for transport that you “ride” (motorbikes, bicycles, horses etc).

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks, useful hints.
            Yes a typo; I’m lazy so I just copy and paste my previous sentence and add used to 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  10. Good morning Prof!
    Have you still got that old Jeep we got around with when we were here in holiday?


    1. That’s much better, Ester, but bear in mind that the preposition to use with cars is “in” and not “with”. I also added a note to my previous answer which you clearly didn’t see before writing this. I suggested using “used to” for the central verb. It’s not essential but is works very well in this kind of context.


  11. Have you had that old jeep we drove around in when we were on holiday yet?
    (In which we drove/we used to drive around)


          1. OK rachele, with ‘here’ your version is perfect now. 🙂
            N.B. This would be a good opportunity to use “used to” for past habits. 😉


    1. Hi Ester, you’re sort of half way there. You need to think completely in terms of “dangling prepositions” here. Get rid of “by which” and add another preposition after “around” (I won’t tell you which!)
      N.B. This would be a good opportunity to use “used to” for past habits. 😉


      1. Good morning Prof!
        Have you still got that old Jeep we got around with, when we were here in Holiday?


  12. Avete ancora quella vecchia jeep nella quale giravamo quando eravamo qui in vacanza?
    Do you still have that old jeep with which we used to ride when we were here on holiday?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I can’t show up with two, Tony, too difficult.
        I’ll try one.
        Avete ancora quella vecchia jeep nella quale giravamo quando eravamo qui in vacanza?
        Do you still have that old jeep we used to drive in when we were here on holiday?
        Do you still have that old jeep we used to ride around when we were here on holiday?


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