Translation Exercise • 45

La traduzione, come metodo di esercizio nell’apprendimento di una lingua, farà sicuramente parte della vecchia scuola, però, inserita in un contesto più vario di apprendimento, soprattutto con feedback in tempo reale, può sempre essere un utile esercizio di allenamento.

Consiglio una partecipazione attiva e visibile postando la tua versione tra i commenti in fondo a questa pagina. In questo modo riceverai un mio commento o suggerimento in tempo più o meno reale. Ma per chi non se la sente, si può semplicemente annotare la propria versione e controllarla attraverso i miei commenti lasciati per gli altri.

Ecco la nuova frase:

Sarebbe meglio muoverci. Abbiamo ancora parecchia strada da fare.

Buon divertimento!

Puoi esercitarti quanto vuoiQUI

Your comments are always very welcome.

Author: Tony

Born and raised in Malaysia between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Educated at Wycliffe College in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, England. Living in the foothills of Mount Etna since 1982 and teaching English at Catania University since 1987.

46 thoughts on “Translation Exercise • 45”

  1. It would be better to go on. We still have a long road to drive. I don’t know if it is right….I wish you “good Easter”. Peace and love.


    1. Hi Nadia.
      “It would be better…” is a good start but I would then use an expression like “to get going” or “to get a move on”.
      In the second part, “We still have a long…” is a good start but then you need the expression “way to go.”


  2. Sarebbe meglio muoverci. Abbiamo ancora parecchia strada da fare.
    Hi down there 😊

    It would be better to get a move on. We still have a long way to go.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Luigi. The second part of your version is perfect but the first part needs some rethinking. There is a ‘personal’ way of doing it (starting with ‘we’ but not ‘would’) and an impersonal way of doing it (starting with ‘it’).
      Try again or look at some of the other versions here for inspiration!


  3. Sarebbe meglio muoverci. Abbiamo ancora parecchia strada da fare.
    It would be better for us to move! We still have a long way ahead


    1. Well done, Manu. That’s a perfectly acceptable version.
      Perhaps you would like to consider two possible improvements:
      to move ➝ to get moving
      ahead ➝ to go


      1. È strano, capitano tutte a me: sono convinto di aver scritto “ had” non would . D’altra parte sarebbe stato anche più logico…. Credo! Grazie comunque .


  4. Ah, prof…Approfitto per cercare di chiarirmi un dubbio
    Se fosse stato “Avremmo fatto meglio a muoverci”, io avrei tradotto “It would have been better to get moving (o to move)”.
    Ecco la domanda: per rendere l’idea di qualcosa che sarebbe stato meglio fare nel passato, si puó usare una forma personale?


        1. “Should have + past participle” tends to sound a bit like a reproach (rimprovero), whereas “would have been better” has a more detached (distaccato) sound. Otherwise they’re pretty similar as far as meaning is concerned.


  5. Good morning prof

    It should be better go on. We still have a lot of road to do. 🤔(maybe too much literal translation….)or The way is still long away
    I don’t know, just an attempt

    Thank you very much
    Happy Easter


    1. You’re a bit off target today, Nadia. Have a look at some of the other suggestions to see what the best solution might be here.
      Happy Easter to you too. 🙂


  6. Sarebbe meglio muoverci. Abbiamo ancora parecchia strada da fare.

    It would be better to leave. We still have a long way ahead.


    1. Your version works very well, Paolo, but there are other versions which might be even better both in the first part and in the second part.


      1. It comes to my mind “We’d better go” for the first part, but nothing else…
        I’ll have a look at the other answers!


          1. After seeing Ester, your favourite could be

            “Sarebbe meglio muoverci. Abbiamo ancora parecchia strada da fare.”

            “We’d better go. We still have a long way to go.”

            Is it right?


  7. Sarebbe meglio muoverci. Abbiamo ancora parecchia strada da fare.
    It would be better we move on. We still have a long way to do (or go ? 🤔)


    1. The first part doesn’t work, Dani. You can use the impersonal form to start with, but you need to think again about how to finish.
      The second part is good, but with ‘go’, not ‘do’.


        1. If you start with the impersonal form, use an infinitive for the second verb – it’s the easiest option. Otherwise you’ll end up complicating things with a second conditional!
          You could try a different, personal formula at the beginning…


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