Carpe diem

Just for fun

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Author: Tony

Born and raised in Malaysia between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Educated at Wycliffe College in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, England. Living in the foothills of Mount Etna since 1982 and teaching English at Catania University since 1987.

12 thoughts on “Carpe diem”

  1. “Carpe diem” is a Latin suggestion about taking advantage of the current day since future is uncertain. Optimist, Pessimist, Realist and Opportunist are human different behaving attitudes, which, as quite often happen, have reason as well as pro and con aspects. We could talk about them far and wide, there is plenty of food for thoughts. Just one thought-provoking question for me: science and technology are changing human condition significantly, are humans, in their behaving, exactly the same as tens thousands of years ago?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A million dollar question, Giuseppe! Who knows the answer?


      “Carpe diem” is a Latin suggestion about taking advantage of the current day since the future is uncertain. Optimism, Pessimism, Realism and Opportunism are different human behaviours, which, as quite often happen, have reason to exist as well as pro and con aspects. We could talk about them till the cows come home, there is plenty of food for thought. There is just one thought-provoking question for me: science and technology are changing the human condition significantly, are humans, in their behaviour, exactly the same as tens of thousands of years ago?

      (Just a ‘suggestion’)


      1. Article or not article? this is always my hamletic doubt. I will succeed in solving it when pigs will fly. Thank you so much priceless teacher Tony.

        Liked by 1 person

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