Puns for all and awful puns!

Cerca di individuare il gioco di parole
che collega l’autobus alla domanda!
(suggerimento: “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”)

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Author: Tony

Born and raised in Malaysia between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Educated at Wycliffe College in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, England. Living in the foothills of Mount Etna since 1982 and teaching English at Catania University since 1987.

20 thoughts on “64”

      1. I won’t need to take the bus to the workplace when I am 64-year old, because retired.


        1. Ah, ok! You’ve understood the pun (when I’m) and now you’re trying to explain it. In effect it is a song by the Beatles which says, “Will you still need me when I’m 64?” 😄


    1. And here’s the meaning of the suggestion… I would have been thinking about it all night long… I found out they are The Beatles searching the internet, but I don’t know them so well!


      1. The question is “Will you still need me?”, and the bus answer “When I am 64”.
        In Italy, 64 is the age where, more or less, the men that started working after high school can retire. So I thought the bus will still need some help when he is retired…


          1. So nice “you’re one step ahead”, a new phrase to keep in mind. And I don’t need to write it on my notebook, because you reminded me of the Steps Ahead, a jazz rock group I used to listen when I was young! Thank you Tony, have a good night!


              1. Steps Ahead is a jazz fusion group formed by portorican vibraphonist Mike Mainieri in the 1970s.
                They are active in the 70s and 80s, but two years ago they made a new album. They are one of the milestones of Fusion Music, fusing elements of jazz, rock, funk and rhithm & blues. Individually, all the musicians that composed the group, are very famous in jazz and electronic jazz music.


                1. Interesting. I shall have to look out for some of their music online. Are they similar to Chick Corea’s “Return to Forever”?
                  [They were active…rhythm…that formed the group]


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